Wednesday, October 17, 2007

20 Something: no title

Fast forward to now. so i got an sms from him saying that he is not interested in dating
crap. .... actually not crap.. because i did have my feelings that he isnt, and the best part he was honest about it, like all i had to do is a simle flirt and see his responce and he was an honest guy, but he said the friends, thing, which knowing him since he is honest meant good, its hard to explain but its not easy to make new freinds in dubai and as much as it sounds like primary school attitude oh lets be friends... or do you want to be my new best friend... but the reality is dubai is like that. eventhough a lot of people grow in dubai, but however it seems the people that i know or met on gay dar or manjam mostly moved to dubai. so that means when you move to dubai you are really on your own, and you do want to make friends you do want to build circles and for some odd reason when we guys grow up its just so much more difficult to do than we were kids i guess...

okay so what does this mean... ?
it means the guy is great and honest and i have lots of respect for him, and i hope he doesnt read this blog, because if he does he will think i am obessed with him, which i am not, but i have respect for him, and that makes me want to have a guy like this in life or whether as a friend or well friend ;-)

the reason why no title, for this becuase at the moment i am speachless, oh i guess i am still keeping my celibate life for a while... since the prospect of even dating a guy is off the table... and i really still feel strongly about keeping my celibate life till i date someone by celibate i mean no one night stands.. just when i date a guy i will then start (well if any of my people know me)... well explode..

..... welcome to my life.

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